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Finding Nemo was hailed by audiences and critics alike as a brilliant picture for all ages and, in our continuing quest to find movies we can watch with Blasty, C and I checked it out a few weeks ago.
Michael Hanscom's breakdown of the relentless sexism in these flicks kinda pre-empts my own criticisms, but it still bears being said that what passes for female "characters" in these ninety-minute toy commercials is a sick joke. Every woman in this movie is either deranged or murdered in the first scene... I actually think Pixar's treatment of women is actually getting worse with time. I thought Toy Story was bad enough, but wiht every new film, the studio is painting themselves further and further into an indefensible chauvinist corner.
Michael Hanscom's breakdown of the relentless sexism in these flicks kinda pre-empts my own criticisms, but it still bears being said that what passes for female "characters" in these ninety-minute toy commercials is a sick joke. Every woman in this movie is either deranged or murdered in the first scene... I actually think Pixar's treatment of women is actually getting worse with time. I thought Toy Story was bad enough, but wiht every new film, the studio is painting themselves further and further into an indefensible chauvinist corner.